Course Synopsis

Mata Kuliah Wajib Program Studi (Compulsory Courses)

  • PPL 001119 Ilmu Lingkungan 3(3-0) (Environmental Science)

This course contains environmental science, especially the wetland environment: ecosystem sustainability; ecosystem balance; adaptation to ecosystems; exploitation of human populations; population problems; food production and distribution; pest and disease control; water management and water cycle; sediments, nutrients and eutrophication; pollution control and return of nutrient cycles; pollution from harmful chemicals; air pollution and its countermeasures; the use of artificial intelligence in predicting demographic explosions and pollution levels of pollution control policies; natural resource management; material with industrial 4.0 payload.

  • PPL 002119 Metodologi Penelitian 3(3-0) (Research Methodology)

This course defines types, objectives, & principles of research. Research contributions to the development of Science and Technology, development, and human welfare. Identify feasible problems, formulate problems, hypotheses, and determine titles related to wetland environmental management. Basic principles of research implementation, and the use of statistics (applications and assumptions of statistical procedures) in research. Techniques for preparing proposals and research reports, dissemination, and presentation of research results. The use of the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) program in statistical calculations.

  •  PPL 003119 Ekosistem Lahan Basah 3(2-1) (Wetland Ecosystem)

This lecture contains the definition of wetlands, their roles, nature, characteristics and the process of formation of wetlands, the characteristics of wetland environments, the potential of wetland resources, the biochemical cycle of wetland ecosystems, the characteristics of remembrance aquatic ecosystems and their problems, the characteristics of flowing water and their problems, the characteristics of lowland forest ecosystems and their problems. The management, development, and development of wetlands through modification and adaptation of appropriate technologies in the 4.0 era, social, cultural, economic and institutional conditions are related to various types of wetland ecosystems. Prototypes of environmental management systems and wetland areas, simulation of environmental modeling adaptation in wetlands, engineering the use of tools, plantation machinery & additive agriculture for wetlands, the use of artificial intelligence in land cultivation, for example, the creation of smart greenhousessmart irrigation systems, and automatic tractors. This lecture has practicum in the laboratory and the field, as well as field trips. 

  • PPL 004119 Sistem Informasi dan GIS Lingkungan Lahan Basah 3(1-2) (Wetland Environmental Information and GIS Systems)

This course defines the information systems and Geographic Information System (GIS) of the wetland environment and the basic concepts of GIS data which include geometric (spatial) and thematic data (attributes). Development and application of GIS. Modeling and structuring GIS data as well as processing and storing GIS data in a database. Data collection, spatial data entry, and analysis in GIS. The use of remote sensing data (aerial photographs, satellite images, or radar) in the mapping of natural resources in wetland areas and biophysical modeling. GIS simulation modeling, the use of GIS or drone programs; remote sensing system.

  • PPL 005119 Etika dan Hukum Lingkungan 3(3-0) (Environmental Ethics and Law)

This course contains basic ethical theories: environmental theories about anthropocentrism, biocentrism, ecocentrism and principles of environmental ethics; Science and Technology, materials with industry 4.0 content and environmental ethics; environmental ethics in development. The development and legal principles to determine the rights and obligations of environmental management as well as various aspects of civil dispute resolution and criminal liability for the environment are reviewed from the application of environmental quality standards to soil, water, air, biodiversity, and other media.

  • PPL 006219 Seminar Proposal 2(0-2) (Seminar Proposal)

Structured activities in the form of scientific seminars for students to present research plans or proposals that have been approved by their supervisors. The discussion of the research plan is reviewed from the aspect of deepening the material and methods, as well as the outputs that will be produced from the research. The seminar was held in the form of presentations by students and discussions by the commission team of supervisors and examiners.

  • PPL 007219 Seminar Hasil 2(0-2) (Results Seminar)

Structured activities in the form of scientific presentation of research results/reports that have been carried out. This seminar discusses the results of research that has been written in a draft thesis, to get input from the examining lecturers. The results of the seminar are recommendations from the examiner for the thesis exam.

  • PPL 008219 Penulisan Ilmiah 2(0-2) (Scientific Writing)

Write articles related to the thesis to be published in scientific journals. Communicating the results of research in the field of environmental science in the form of scientific writing in scientific journals by applicable regulations ensuring the validity of documents and avoiding plagiarism. The use of similarity applications such as Turnitin, and ithenticate to find out the level of plagiarism.

  • PPL 009219 Tesis 6(0-6) (Thesis)

The thesis is prepared based on the research that has been carried out, by the results of suggestions and comments in the seminar results. Preparation of thesis and responsibility for thesis substance in the form of a comprehensive exam in front of a team of thesis examiners. Pass the exam with a grade of ≥ B (if you get a grade of C, you must retake the thesis exam).

Mata Kuliah Pilihan (Elective Courses)

1. BKU Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Alam/BKU-PSDA (Main Field of Natural Resources Management)

  • PPL 101119 Ekonomi Sumber Daya 3(3-0) Resource Economics

This course studies the concept of resource economics, limitations, dimensions, and determination. Signals of market arrogance and population density, as well as government authority. The priority is to anticipate the dignity of the market. Environmental management and wetland environmental issues. Prerequisite level: structuring policy signs and success. Fragmentation performance: the dignity, essence, and method of allocating natural resources. Management performance: ecosystem management. Economic aspects of climate change, materials with industrial 4.0 payloads.

  • PPL 102119 Sistem Manajemen Lingkungan 3(2-1) (Environmental Management System)

This course covers the introduction and development of the ISO 14001 Environmental Management System (SML) including its elements which include environmental policy, planning, implementation and operation, monitoring and corrective action, and management review with the aim of continuous improvement which produces various advantages both technologically and economically as well as ecological.  Introduction to COBIT (Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology) which is a standard guide for information technology management practices. COBIT has 4 domain scopes, namely: Planning and organization, Procurement and implementation, Delivery and support, monitoring and evaluation.

  • PPL 103119 Ekologi Manusia 3(2-1) (Human Ecology)

A holistic approach through various approaches to human ecological systems as an illustration. The role of anthropology in the process of integration between biological systems and social systems. The summary of culture in groups and societies, living the meaning of evaluation and revolution in human culture. Cultural involvement in environmental conservation, especially wetlands, and materials with industrial 4.0 content.

  • PPL 104119 Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Alam dan Lingkungan 3(3-0) (Natural Resources and Environment Management)

This course covers the definition of ecosystems and environmental components and their problems, inventorying natural resources, the scope of the study, and the basic concepts of sustainable management and utilization of natural resources and the environment based on the principles and principles of economic and ecological approaches in the management of natural resources and the environment (SDA-LH), and analyzing the linkages between development – natural resources and environmental resources,  and materials with industry 4.0 content.

  • PPL 105119 Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Hayati 3(2-1) (Biological Resources Management)

This course provides the status of forest biodiversity in Indonesia. The function and role of biodiversity on environmental balance. Biodiversity issues at the ontogenetic, species, population, and ecosystem levels. Principles of measurement and monitoring of biodiversity (genetic diversity, species, and ecosystems). Methodology of measurement, monitoring, analysis tools, and research. Flora and fauna as bioindicators of pollution, and ecomonitoring. Biodiversity of flora and fauna as an agribusiness commodity. Legislation on a) biodiversity conservation, b) management and utilization of forest resources. This lecture has practicum in the laboratory and in the field, as well as field trips, and materials with industry 4.0 content.

  • PPL 106119 Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Daerah Aliran Sungai 3(2-1) (Watershed Resource Management)

This course contains the basics and rules of watershed resource management. Benefits of ecosystem balance in swamps and watersheds. Rain and hydrological cycles. Dynamics of groundwater, swamps, and rivers. Swamp and watershed water balance. Erosion and its causes. Erosion measurement methods and the use of GIS to predict erosion and erosion control buildings. The use of several applications such as ArcGIS for erosion hazard analysis, and MINITAB for watershed water balance models. This lecture has practicum in the laboratory and the field, as well as field trips.

  • PPL 107119 Pengelolaan Pesisir dan Kelautan 3(2-1) (Coastal and Marine Management)

This lecture covers the structure and typology of coastal resources and environment, principles and modeling techniques for integrated and sectoral coastal area management, through the approach of biophysical character, coastal area ecosystem, and its relation to social, economic, and cultural characteristics to realize the spatial planning of coastal areas and oceans by their designation. Modeling materials with industrial 4.0 payloads. The coastal fostered environment was affected by the tsunami. This lecture has practicum in the laboratory and the field, as well as field trips.

  • PPL 108119 Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Mineral dan Energi 3(21) (Management of Mineral and Energy Resources)

This course provides the mechanism of deposit formation. The physical and chemical properties and usefulness of each deposit. Methods and methods of exploitation and exploration, as well as the use of deposits. The impact of various pollutants caused by the management of these resources. The utilization of energy resources and the pollution they cause. Energy conservation, renewable energy. Technology for the development of environmentally clean energy resources, and materials with industrial load 4.0. Utilization of Landsat 8 Imagery for mapping gold mineralization potential and identifying regional-scale hydrothermal alterations. This lecture has practicum in the laboratory and the field, as well as field trips.

  • PPL 109119 Produksi Bersih dan Teknik Pengolahan Limbah 3(2-1) (Management of Mineral and Energy Resources)

This course contains a paradigm shift in environmental management which is the official policy of Indonesia’s development to achieve sustainable development and material with industry 4.0 content. The main goal is efficiency described through the following instruments: administrative, technological, and social in the achievement of the UN Millennium Development Goals. Creating material on industrial ecology and the characteristics and composition of each type of waste (gas, particulate, and liquid) with minerals from various sources and their respective management alternatives. The use of the Arduino UNO R3 microcontroller in the processing system has sensors and can detect water quality. This sensor is also useful in the process of monitoring liquid waste treatment.

  • PPL 110119 Pemodelan Lingkungan 3(2-1) (Environmental modeling)

This lecture contains about wetland environmental modeling: deterministic, stochastic, and real-time. Simulation model: the phenomenon of fluid transformation. Mass equilibrium equation, Navier Stokes physical equation. Analytical and numerical model solutions. Application of Demand Oxygen (DO), Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD), Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), heavy metals, nitrification, sedimentation, and pollution dispersion models. Kinetic model of secondary equations. Case studies and computer assignments. The use of air quality modeling using applications with computers such as SCREEN VIEW, and CALINE; modeling for water pollution control with the application of the QUAL2Kw model.

2. BKU Biologi Lingkungan/BKU-BL (Environmental Biology)

  • PPL 201119 Ekologi Populasi 3(2-1) (Population Ecology)

Materi kuliah ini berisi tentang permasalahan distribusi populasi di era industri 4.0 melalui analisis distribusi serta kajian berbagai faktor yang membatasi distribusi populasi seperti: dispersal; seleksi habitat; hubungan dengan spesies lain; faktor fisik-kimia dan hubungannya dengan kelimpahan. Parameter untuk menyatakan populasi yang dijabarkan dalam pertumbuhan populasi; interaksi spesies (kompetisi; predasi; herbivory dan mutualism; penyakit dan parasitisme). Pengaturan populasi, genetika populasi.

This lecture material contains the problem of population distribution in the industrial era 4.0 through distribution analysis and the study of various factors that limit population distribution such as: dispersal; habitat selection; relationships with other species; physico-chemical factors and their relationship to abundance. Parameters for expressing the population described in population growth; species interactions (competition; predation; herbivory and mutualism; disease and parasitism). Population regulation, population genetics.

  • PPL 202119 Ekologi Perairan Umum Daratan 3(2-1) (Ecology of Inland Public Waters)

This lecture covers the differences between lentic and lotic ecosystems and their various characteristics. Aquatic fauna and flora as well as habitat and environmental factors in the industrial era 4.0. Primary and secondary productivity of waters as well as various levels of aquatic eutrophication, as well as principles of freshwater ecosystem management. This lecture has practicum in the laboratory and the field, as well as field trips.

  • PPL 203119 Ekologi Pesisir dan Lautan 3(2-1) (Coastal and Ocean Ecology)

This course reviews the typology of coastal ecosystems including mangroves, wetlands, and marine ecosystems (open sea, deep sea). Different types of ecosystems in the ocean include flora and fauna, as well as physical, chemical, and biotic environmental factors that affect them. The impact of human activities on the types of ecosystems in the sea and how they are managed in the industrial era 4.0. This lecture has practicum in the laboratory and the field, as well as field trips.

  • PPL 204119 Ekologi Hutan 3(2-1) (Forest Ecology)

This lecture contains the typology of forest ecosystems with their various characteristics. Environmental factors that affect the balance of forest ecosystems, the principles of biomass, and productivity are associated with the stability of forest ecosystems. Fauna and flora are protected under the law (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora), as well as illustrations of their distribution map. Human activities that affect forest functions and preventive measures in the industrial era 4.0 and mitigation of landslides, droughts, floods, and loss of forest functions. 

  • PPL 205119 Pengelolaan Keanekaragaman Hayati 3(2-1) (Biodiversity Management)

This course reviews the status of forest biodiversity in Indonesia. The function and role of biodiversity on environmental balance. Biodiversity issues at the ontogenetic, species, population, and ecosystem levels. Principles of measurement and monitoring of biodiversity (diversity: genetic, species, and ecosystems) especially in wetland environments. Methodology of measurement, monitoring, analysis tools, and research in the industrial era 4.0. Flora and fauna as bioindicators of pollution, and ecomonitoring. Biodiversity of flora and fauna as an agribusiness commodity. Legislation on a) biodiversity conservation, b) management and utilization of forest resources. This lecture has practicum in the laboratory and in the field, as well as field trips.

  • PPL 206119 Biologi Tanah, Bioremediasi dan Konservasi Sumber Daya Hayati 3(2-1) (Soil Biology, Bioremediation and Conservation of Biological Resources 

This course covers soil as a plant medium and its relationship with soil microorganisms (Rhizosphere; Phylosphere). nitrogen fixation by living beings and blue algae, symbiosis with bacteria; nitrification, and denitrification. The influence of microbes on plant growth, the function of trace elements; biodegradation of pesticides and pollutants; biotechnology in agriculture, and the role of soil insects in ecosystems.

Bioremediation, the definition of bioremediation, in situ and ex-situ bioremediation, microbial isolation and characterization for bioremediation, microbial growth for consortiums, soil characteristics for bioremediation, microbial metabolism, environmental management principles and the role of microscopic bodies in sewage treatment as pollutant degradation. Application of bioprocess in environmental pollution control, monitoring, and evaluation of bioremediation processes.

The role and function of biodiversity in tropical countries, as the germplasm of the world principles of biodiversity saving; Cartagena Protocol and National Policy on Conservation of Biological Resources. In situ and ex-situ conservation.

  • PPL 207119 Pengendalian Biologis 3(2-1) (Biological Control)

This course contains the history of biological control. The concept of biological control and its mechanism. The role of biological control in plant pest diseases. Direct and indirect biological control in the industrial era 4.0. Controlling agents: bacteria; mushrooms; Protozoa; Nematodes. Search for biological control agents.

  • PPL 208119 Ekofisiologi dan Mikrobiologi Lingkungan 3(2-1) (Ecophysiology and Environmental Microbiology)

This lecture provides ecophysiology and the spread of living things through conceptual approaches and experiments in ecophysiology in the industrial era 4.0. Explain the relationship between water and organisms; and the effects of radiation, temperature, minerals, and nutrients. Growth and allocation of nutrients, life cycles, and interactions of living things. Ecological biochemistry. Environmental microbiology to study the characteristics and activities of microorganisms in soil, water, and air as well as extreme environments, waste treatment, the interaction of microorganisms with xenobiotic compounds and inorganic pollutants, bioremediation of contaminated environments with microorganisms, biogeochemical cycles and their impact on the environment, metal toxicity and detoxification by microorganisms, as well as concepts, processes, and factors affecting disinfection. This lecture has practicum in the laboratory and the field, as well as field trips.

  • PPL 209119 Sanitasi dan Kesehatan Lingkungan 3(2-1) (Sanitation and Environmental Health)

This course covers the influence of the environment on public health, the concept of community interaction in environmental health; environmental components that affect health such as air, water, and soil; pollution of environmental components and their relationship to public health, as well as their management; diseases that can be caused as a result of community lifestyle and sanitation, and explain environmental sanitation issues related to environmental health, materials with industry 4.0 content.

  • PPL 210119 Toksikologi dan Kesehatan Lingkungan 3(2-1) (Toxicology and Environmental Health)

This course contains the principles of toxicology; the scope of toxicology, abrobsiology and its effects on the environment, problems and effects of toxicology on environmental health, the concept of toxicological and environmental interactions; environmental components that are toxic and affect health such as air, water and soil; pollution of environmental components and their relationship to public health; dangerous diseases that can be caused by toxic impacts on changes in environmental factors (air, water and soil), especially in the wetland environment; and explain environmental toxicology issues related to environmental health, material with industry 4.0 content.

  • PPL 211119 Epidemilogi Kesehatan Lingkungan 3(2-1) (Environmental Health Epidemiology)

This lecture material contains the influence of epidemiology on public health, the concept of community and environmental interaction; problems and the influence of epidemiology on environmental health, the concept of epidemiological and environmental interaction; epidemiological components that affect health such as air, water, and soil; pollution of epidemiological components and their relationship to public health; Disease distribution patterns that can be caused as a result of changes in environmental factors (air, water and soil), especially in the wetland environment, as well as explaining environmental epidemiological issues related to environmental health in the industrial era 4.0.

3. BKU Manajemen Sungai, Rawa dan Pantai Terpadu/BKU-MSRPT (Integrated River, Swamp and Beach Management)

  • PPL 301119 Perencanaan Terpadu Sungai, Rawa dan Pantai 3(2-1) (Integrated Planning of Rivers, Swamps and Beaches)

This course provides integrated planning of rivers, swamps, and beaches for conservation and ecotourism, multifunctional development (agriculture, fisheries, plantations, livestock, settlements, industrial crops), planning of supporting infrastructure facilities (canals, sluices, roads, bridges, warehousing, processing units, etc.), logistics planning, counseling and training, empowerment of farmers and officers, regulations and legislation, human resource planning and financing. This lecture is accompanied by a practicum in the field (field trip).

  • PPL 302119 Hidrologi Sungai, Rawa, dan Pantai 3(2-1) (River, Swamp, and Beach Hydrology)

This lecture contains the concept of river, swamp, and coastal hydrology, as well as its applications, global and developing countries’ issues and problems related to water conditions and use in general. Different types of flows, as well as the principles of hydraulics and their application in open channels and water buildings in irrigation and drainage systems. Irrigation and drainage systems (functions, elements and needs for irrigation and drainage), elements of irrigation systems, topography, layout of irrigation and drainage systems. Discuss various models of open channel software (DUFLOW) and groundwater as well as the application and modeling of geographic information systems and remote sensing related to the planning and operation of irrigation and drainage systems. This lecture is accompanied by a practicum in the field (field trip).

  • PPL 303119 Pengelolaan Organisasi Dan Perubahan Pada Sungai, Rawa, dan Pantai 3(2-1) (Organizational management and changes to rivers, swamps, and beaches)

This lecture material contains the goals of the development and management of river, swamp, and coastal organizations; studying legal and legislative aspects in the development and utilization of river, swamp, and coastal water resources. Learn also about the explanation of the importance of managing sociological, economic and environmental aspects in the development of river water resources, swamps and beaches. To study the interaction between environmental factors and engineering of sustainable river, swamp and coastal management techniques and related to technical, legal and institutional aspects. Understand the various patterns of river, swamp and coastal protection, as well as related factors.  This lecture is accompanied by a practicum in the field (field trip).

  • PPL 304119 Pengembangan Wilayah Sungai, Rawa, dan Pantai 3(2-1) (Development of River, Swamp, and Coastal Areas)

This course covers the concept of mapping the availability area and the needs of water users in swamps, rivers, and coastal areas as well as options and strategies in planning the development of the area. Learn the concepts and approaches of environmental impact analysis, as well as economic analysis of river, swamp, and coastal area development options; application of science and technology, innovation, and software for regional development; able to evaluate the impacts, and consequences of various regional development options. This lecture is accompanied by a practicum in the field (field trip).

  • PPL 305119 Rehabilitasi Sungai, Rawa, dan Pantai 3(2-1) (River, Swamp, and Beach Rehabilitation)

This course provides the natural characteristics and physical processes of river, swamp, and coastal ecosystems and their management. Understand the possible impacts of human interventions and climate change on systems in river, swamp, and coastal environments and their possible innovative solutions. In carrying out zone rehabilitation management, GIS, remote sensing, and remote sensing are needed to analyze spatial data. Evaluate the feasibility of control work and its effects in downstream and upstream areas. Evaluate the feasibility of river, swamp, and coastal rehabilitation work, as well as their morphological effects. Explain the basic principles of river, swamp, and coastal morphological dynamics, as well as the basic principles of environmental hydraulics. Learn the application method of innovation technology in the rehabilitation of rivers, swamps, and beaches.

4. BKU Perubahan Iklim/BKU-PI (Climate Change)

  • PPL 401119 Siklus Karbon dan Perubahan Iklim 3(2-1) (The Carbon Cycle and Climate Change)

This lecture reviews carbon dioxide is one of the greenhouse gases that has the greatest effect on climate change, in this course the carbon cycle that occurs in the atmosphere, sea, land, and wetland areas, as well as the interaction between components in the carbon cycle and how it interacts with climate change variations, as well as material with industrial 4.0 payloads. This lecture has practicums in the laboratory and in the field, as well as field trips, especially in wetland areas.

  • PPL 402119 Adaptasi dan Mitigasi Perubahan Iklim 3(2-1) (Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation)

This course contains scientific, economic, and environmental issues related to the threat of climate change in wetland areas. Examine the policies contained in the Kyoto Protocol and the outcomes of the climate change conference, especially in wetland areas. Provide a scientific perspective for formulating climate change adaptation policies by referring to the results of the roadmap. National and regional climate change and IPCC reports. Efforts to reduce carbon and methane emissions in wetland areas through: sustainable peatland management, reduction of forest destruction and land degradation rates, energy efficiency campaigns, development of new and renewable energy, reduction of solid and liquid waste, transport management, reduction of carbon emissions in forestry and agriculture, and materials with industrial 4.0 payloads. Learn greenhouse gas inventory methods. This lecture has practicum in the laboratory and in the field, as well as field trips to wetland areas; and large-scale mining and plantation activities located in wetlands. The role of remote sensing and GIS for climate change mitigation to reduce GHG (greenhouse gas) emissions in wetland areas.

  • PPL 403119 Dampak Perubahan Iklim dan Penilaian Resiko Perubahan Iklim 3(2-1) (Climate Change Impacts and Climate Change Risk Assessment)

This course provides the impacts of climate change that occur in wetlands in various sectors; (1) Economy, (2)Food Security, (3) Water Use Management, (4) Extreme Weather, and (5) Health. The subjects in this course include the study of the impact of climate change on ecosystem equilibrium, hydrological cycles, food production, and the frequency of extreme weather events, especially in wetland areas. This lecture has practicum in the laboratory and in the field, as well as field trips.

Study methods to assess climate change risks in wetland areas, such as: floods, droughts, sea level rise, decreased water availability, impacts on health, and decreased agricultural production. The methods used include Climate Risk Adaptation and Assessment (CRAA), Climate Vulnerability and Capacity Analysis(CVCA), and Management Adaptive and Resilience (MARe).

  • PPL 404119 Dinamika Perubahan Iklim 3(2-1) (Climate Change Dynamics)

This course contains the mechanisms of the causes of climate change on different time scales; ranging from multi-millennial (hundreds of thousands of years) to millennial (thousands of years), centennial (hundreds of years), and decadal (decades). To see past climatic conditions, scientists use proxies, as an interpretation of paleoclimatic conditions and are data used to replace data or climatic conditions. In addition, this course also discusses the dynamics of climate variation in various time scales, the balance of sunlight radiation, energy equilibrium, and the impact of heat energy transfer on climate variation. Studying the role of the atmosphere, sea, and land in influencing climate variation and change. The role of NOAA satellites that have Advanced Very High-Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) sensors is used for environmental and weather observations that can provide marine information. The TRMM satellites are specifically designed to measure rainfall in tropical and subtropical regions, as well as provide information on the atmospheric elevation at which rain-related warming and cooling are taking place.  At the end of the lecture, theories and observations of tropical climate phenomena which are the result of the interaction between the sea and the atmosphere will also be studied. The focus of discussion will include monsoon phenomena, Madden-Julian Oscillation (intra-seasonal oscillation), El Nino/Southern Oscillation (ENSO), Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD), decadal variations of tropical climates and variations on shorter time scales (diurnal variations). The role of GSMAP (Global Satellite Mapping of Precipitation) is used in various applications for weather/climate monitoring, climate analysis, verification of numeric models and hydrological studies.

  • PPL 405119 Pencemaran Udara dan Dinamika Iklim Tropis 3(2-1) (Air Pollution and Tropical Climate Dynamics)

This lecture covers air pollution components on a local and regional scale, both chemical and biological components, sources of air pollution, air pollution trends, and the impact of air pollution in the social, economic, and health context and its management with industrial 4.0 content. The lecture material also contains climate change projection models that refer to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report, using ensemble models (methods used in numerical weather prediction to indicate the range of possible atmospheric conditions in the future, regression model with technology 4.0) for global and regional climate projections, particularly in the tropics and wetlands. To study climate uncertainty and climate change scenarios in the context of global warming by referring to climate change projections from the IPCC. The information obtained was in the form of a spatial map of the projected changes in rainfall and temperature parameters in each region. Climate scenario projections in Indonesia can also use the Regional Climate Model (RCM) model, which is a derivative of the Global Climate Model (GCM). GCM describes the climate with a three-dimensional grid on the globe.


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