Course Synopsis

DLI7101.  Philosophy of Science 3 (3-0)

Scope of the philosophy of science concerning ontology, epistemology, and axiology. Definition of science, the role and benefits of science in life, the position of science in the environment. Examination of the meaning of observation, knowledge, and science broadly, covering the terminology of scientific language, data, hypotheses and theories, laws, predictions and explanations, correlations, principles of causality, and causes. Also discussed is the role of science and technology in everyday life.

DLI7102. Environmental Research Methodology 3 (3-0)

Discusses the philosophy of science and the application of concepts in natural resource activities and environmental issues to find solutions for: solving development and environmental problems, seeking scientific truth, innovation, and discovering new findings (inventions). Formulation of problems and hypotheses, the use of logic and intuition in analyzing problems, methods of presenting data and data interpretation. Techniques for preparing competitive proposals and writing dissertations, as well as techniques for writing scientific articles for accredited international and national journals.

DLI7103.  Advanced Wetland Ecosystems 3 (2-1)

Scope and aspects of wetland ecosystem studies. Characteristics of wetland environments. Potential wetland resources. Biogeochemical cycles of wetland ecosystems. Characteristics of standing water ecosystems and their problems. Characteristics of flowing water ecosystems and their problems. Characteristics of lowland forest ecosystems and their problems. Wetland degradation and alternative management. Conservation and management of wetlands. This course includes laboratory and field practice, as well as field trips.

 DLI7201.  Writing Scientific Papers 3(3-0)

Discusses techniques and strategies for writing scientific articles, especially in reputable international journals and international/national seminars. The scope of the course includes the importance of publications for researchers, choosing and accessing international journals, the systematics of writing scientific articles, the ethics of writing scientific papers, the steps for publication, the process of reviewing and revising articles.

DLI7033. Doctoral Candidate Qualification Examination 0(0-0)

The Doctoral Candidate Qualification Examination (UKKD) or Prelim is a comprehensive examination of Doctoral candidates which is carried out after completing elective and mandatory courses. UKKD to ensure students are academically and philosophically fit to become Doctoral candidates. UKKD is carried out in writing and orally. Material UKKD includes; philosophy of science, research methodology, BKU fields, and fields of science researched to support the dissertation.

DLI7034.  Research Proposal Seminar 2 (2-0)
Discussion of the research plan is viewed from the aspect of deepening the material and methods as well as the output that will result from the research. Presentation by students and discussion by the supervising lecturer commission team.

DLI8001. Publication of Research Results 5(5-0)
The research results are published in accredited journals related to the environmental field and are recognized by PPs Unsri. Doctoral Candidate as main author and Promoter and Co-Promoter as second and third authors. Number of articles published at least 1 article in a reputable international journal and 1 article in an international seminar.

DLI8002. Research Advancement Seminar 2(2-0)
Research progress seminars are held if students have achieved at least 50% of their dissertation research.   
DLI9001. Final Research Seminar 2(2-0)

  The final research seminar is held when students have reached 90% of the research  dissertation.

DLI9002. Dissertation and Dissertation Examination 7 (7-0)

A dissertation is the result of a Doctoral Program student’s scientific work, which is prepared based on research results and contains new findings whose authenticity can be justified. The dissertation examination can be carried out if the dissertation written has been declared ready to be tested by the Promoter and the two Co-Promoters, and the student has completed all courses, completed dissertation research and has published research results (with written evidence) in at least 1 article in a reputable international journal and 1 article at an international seminar.

Note: Qualification Examinations, Seminars, Publications, Research, Dissertations and Dissertation Examinations are regulated in Standard Operating Procedures (POS).

DLI7001. Engineering Ecology 3 (2-1)

Principles of engineering ecology; Mass and energy flow and regulatory mechanisms in natural environments and engineered ecosystems. Human disturbances in natural aquatic systems (prevention and control), contamination by chemicals/toxic substances, management, and experiences; Methods for biological waste water treatment (industrial and municipal); Biomonitoring and testing of biological early warning systems in practice; Environmental fate of organic and inorganic materials; Micro pollutants in natural and man-made environments; Methods. teknik perbaikan kembali lingkungan, air tanah dan soil treatment method. Kuliah ini ada praktikum di laboratorium dan di lapangan, serta kunjungan lapangan/ field trip.

DLI7002. Geoinformatics 3 (2-1)

This course provides various methods for analyzing and interpreting spatial information packages (maps) such as soil maps, land use maps, topographic maps, mineral and energy resource maps, surface and subsurface geological maps, stability maps, and natural disaster maps. Computer modeling in integrating data or information packages related to earth sciences (geoinformatics). Concepts and analysis of databases in the environment; database structures, methodologies, remote sensing, and environmental statistical monitoring; local and regional studies and data collection methods; the environment related to information technology; environmental data sources; planning the timing and location of data collection; integration and hyperspectral data; practical examples of environmental objects and studies using GIS and remote sensing methods with a special focus on environmental change analysis. This course includes laboratory computer practice and field trips.

DLI7003. Environmental Management Policy 3 (2-1)

Profile of wetlands in Indonesia. Direction of development and wetland policies. Planning and development of wetlands. Constraints in wetland development. Strategies for wetland development. Zoning of wetland areas. Community-based wetland management. Evaluation of policies and sustainability of wetland use. Discussing recent policies and regulations issued by international organizations and the Government of the Republic of Indonesia. Discussing policies and regulations on environmental management for proposed, operating, and post-operation business units. Discussing policies and regulations related to land fire issues, especially peatlands, involving both communities and companies, and presenting various alternatives for land preparation without burning (zero burning).

DLI7004. Environmental Chemistry and Pollution 3 (2-1)

Hazardous substances and waste, biochemistry and toxicology of waste, perspectives on hazardous chemicals, chemical properties of organic waste, hazardous organic waste, toxicology of hazardous organic waste biohazard, distribution and dispersion of pollutants in air, water, and soil, reduction processes, recycling, resource recovery. Physical, chemical, and biochemical treatment. biochemistry, thermal treatment and incineration, immobilization, fixation. This course includes laboratory and field practice, as well as field trips.

DLI7005. Environmental Systems Modeling 3 (2-1)

Model development, static and dynamic models, physical and mathematical models, analog models, simulation development on computers with visual programs, model verification, and validation. Software applications for environmental management. This course includes computer laboratory practice and field trips.

DLI7006. Wetland Resource Policy and Economics 3 (3-0)

Wetlands are currently in high demand and utilized for various development activities without considering environmental principles; wetlands are ecosystems that support various flora and fauna of high economic value but are also very vulnerable to damage. By understanding wetland ecosystems well and studying the policies and regulations that protect them, as well as the ability to assess the economic value of wetlands, it is hoped that we will be wiser in managing and utilizing wetlands.

DLI7007. Multivariate Analysis 3 (3-0)

Definition of multivariate analysis, Multivariate analysis and computation (SAS, SPSS, MINITAB, STATITCF, or EXCELSTAT), Basic Concepts of Multivariate Analysis (Data matrix, Scalar product, Matrix calculation, Geometric concept of data, Advantages of multivariate analysis over inferential statistics); Types of Multivariate Techniques (Principal Component Analysis and Factor Analysis, Multiple regression analysis, Discriminant analysis, Variance and multivariate analysis, Conjoint analysis, Canonical correlation, Cluster analysis, Correspondence analysis, Structural equation modeling).

DLI7008. Coastal and Marine Management Policy 3 (3-0)

Profile of coastal areas in Indonesia, trends in coastal and marine development, constraints in coastal and marine development, strategies for coastal and marine development, integrated coastal planning and development, zoning of coastal areas, sustainability of coastal and marine use, evaluation of coastal and marine policies. Background, Scope, Drafting Process, Legal Basis, Management Issues, Regional Issues, National Issues, International Issues, National policies and strategies, Policy analysis, Policy orientation, Policy-making models, Analysis in the policy process, Opinion polls, Issue screening, Forecasting, Objectives and priorities, Option analysis, Implementation, Succession evaluation, and Termination. Policy, policy analysis for coastal and marine management, coastal and marine policies of other countries as case studies (Australia, Thailand, Canada).

DLI7009. Quality, Degradation and Rehabilitation of Wetlands 3 (2-1)

Characteristics, quality, problems, quality reduction, physical biological chemical damage, sustainable management, constructive rehabilitation with a holistic approach. This lecture has practicums in the laboratory and in the field, as well as field visits/field trips.

DLI7010. Wetland Water Management 3 (2-1)

Hydrology and water balance of wetlands, natural conditions and environmental modification; Control of excess water; Measuring techniques to reduce flood hazards; land management and flood and inundation mitigation; floodplain management; economic aspects of flood and inundation mitigation; analysis of flood risks and problems; Drainage wetlands; Survey, investigation and design for wetland drainage; Network construction and development; network operation and maintenance; community empowerment and supporting institutions. This lecture has practical work in the laboratory and in the field, as well as field visits/field trips.

DLI7011. Land and Space Resource Management 3 (2-1)

Aspects of land resources and their constituent components. The concept of sustainable development and its relationship to the development of land resources. Geometry in the use of land resources. Various main types of soil, their properties, potential and problems. Various aspects of problematic soils (problem soils). Position, function and role of land resources in environmental management. Soil damage includes damage to physical, chemical and biological properties. Soil erosion and its impact on the environment. Degraded land and critical land. The impact of development on land resources and various efforts to minimize its negative impacts. Environmentally sound land resource management. Studying There are practicums in the laboratory and in the field, as well as field visits/field trips.

DLI7012. Swampland Hydrology 3(2-1)

Water balance in swamp land, water balance in swamp areas, differences in hydrological conditions in lowland and tidal swamps, water patterns in tidal areas, water patterns in lowland areas, soil hydraulic conductivity and land drying and wetting mechanisms, natural environment and tidal mechanisms , and water management, swamp hydrology and existing business systems, land water cycle and its management, hydrological and hydraulic modeling of swamp land.

DLI7013. Spatial and Environmental Planning Systems 3 (2-1)

Spatial aspects with comprehensive social, economic and ecological considerations with a decentralized mindset and predictions for the future. Spatial development policy for industrial and energy areas. Management guidelines industrial and energy areas for residential and urban activities, solid waste disposal. Disposal of liquid waste (sewage). Industrial, energy and mining area infrastructure development policies. This lecture has practicums in the laboratory and in the field, as well as field visits/field trips.

DLI7014. Rekayasa Sistem Manajemen Lingkungan 3 (3-0)

Understanding Environmental Management Systems (MSL), EMS policies, objectives and benefits of environmental management system engineering, EMS integration, initial review of EMS, implementation and operation of EMS, environmental audit engineering

DLI7015. Environmental Risk Analysis 3(2-1)

Risk assessment: Hazard identification, Dose-Response estimation, exposure assessment (explore). Risk characteristics, risk perception, differences in perception and information packaging, risk valuation, human capital approach and Willingness-to-pay approach, risk management, regulatory framework, accuracy and efficiency criteria, determining financial liabilities and promoting public trust, Environmental/industrial toxicology and environmental epidemiology plus several case studies. This lecture has practicums in the laboratory and in the field as well as field visits

DLI7016. Agri-Industry-Energy Policy and Analysis 3(3-0)

Review and analysis of technical regulations and systems in this course provides a philosophical study of various policies or legal sources related to the development and utilization of energy in Indonesia, including policies in energy resource exploration, energy resource utilization (exploitation) technology, national energy diversification and conversion. as well as new renewable energy (EBT) development policies. Analysis of the effectiveness in implementing legal instruments, in creating a conducive business climate in the energy sector in Indonesia. Analysis of Central Government and Regional Government legal products regarding energy, including synchronization, consistency and technical and social impacts arising from the implementation of a policy in resource development.

DLI7017. New and Renewable Energy 3(3-0)

New and renewable energy development policies, the role of energy in sustainable development, environmental order, the linkage of energy from natural resources, exploration, exploitation, new and renewable energy conversion processes, green energy, energy impact assessment (assessment of the environmental impact of energy management and use).

DLI7018.  Local Environmental Wisdom 3 (3-0)

Background, scope, characteristics, rationale and conception of community local wisdom regarding the micro and macro environment, local wisdom to preserve nature, the hydrological cycle, the energy cycle, natural resources, local wisdom which is related to the way of looking at food. ), treatment (medicine), clothing (cloth), production processes (process of production) as well as settlements and housing (housing). Local wisdom in resource management nature, Environmental wisdom of indigenous communities in sustainable natural resource management, Local knowledge and technology systems in natural resource management, Coastal resource management strategies based on local wisdom, Status of rights to space above and below water between cultivated and natural areas, Reinstituting traditional local wisdom, Local knowledge in environmental preservation, Local knowledge and technology systems in legal protection.

DLI7019. Environmental Conservation and Community Empowerment 3 (2-1)

Background, scope, basis and regulations, concepts and principles of environmental conservation (natural environment, artificial environment and human environment), environmental conservation methods and methods, aspects that influence environmental conservation, the impact of development on environmental conservation efforts and area management through environmental conservation in an effort to improve environmental quality. Foundations of community development, ecology, social justice and human rights as a vision for community development, Participation in community development, Community development process, cultural, environmental and personal/spiritual development, Application of principles in development practice community, Perspectives on ecological balance and social justice in community development, Roles and skills in community development, Community assets in community development, Techniques in assessing community needs and potential, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Triple bottom line. Field visits/field trips.

DLI7020. Population and Environment 3(2-1)

Discuss and discuss the basic concepts of population, fertility, mortality, migration, the influence of population dynamics which places the environment as a perspective on population issues. Also discussed about Ecotechnology is environmentally sound technology regarding settlements, city growth, industrial environment, income distribution and poverty, analysis of human resources from the micro and macro side in the context of sustainable development.

DLI7021. Human Ecology 3(3-0)

The reciprocal relationship between humans and their environment is discussed, including human responses and human effects on the environment, human variability, the evolution of human relationships with the environment, human adaptation (social culture), cultural ecology and the dynamics of ecological balance using various approaches.

DLI7022. Social Theories 3(3-0)

Discuss and discuss the basic concepts, scope, approaches, techniques and theories related to sociological, anthropological, political, economic and development perspectives that can be used in analyzing environmental problems.

DLI7023. Environmental and Industrial Toxicology 3 (2-1)

This course discusses the toxicological aspects of chemicals commonly found in both the ambient and industrial environments. Starting with a general overview of toxicology, then discussing specifically chemical substances, especially heavy metals, solvents, pesticides, inorganic substances and toxic gases. Also discussed are methods for risk assessment and monitoring of these chemicals. In particular, the latest techniques in the field of health risk assessment, called Bio Markers and Biological Monitoring, will be discussed. This course is also equipped with lab and field activities.

DLI7024. Food and Housing Sanitation Hygiene 3(3-0)

This course discusses the relationship between food and health and ways to control food consumption so that it can be done healthily and safely. Also discussed were the health aspects of food handlers, the concept of HACCP (ABTKK), food-related diseases and outbreak investigations due to food poisoning. Apart from that, the health aspects of settlements and the concept of a Healthy City were also discussed.

DLI7025. Occupational Health and Safety 3(2-1)

This course will discuss aspects of the health and safety of industrial workers. The discussion began with a discussion of the K3 management systems used, such as ILO, ISO 14000, OSHAS 18001 and SM-K3 of the Indonesian Ministry of Manpower. There will also be discussions about prevention, recording and reporting work accidents and related laws and regulations. A special discussion will be held to discuss work related diseases: recognition, prevention and reporting. This lecture has practicums in the laboratory and in the field, as well field visits/field trips.

DLI7026. Environmental Epidemiology 3 (2-1)
This course discusses epidemiological techniques in studying environmental health. After discussing the basics of epidemiology, we continue with discussing cross-sectional, case-control, ecological, and epidemiological study methods cohort. Examples of studies that will be discussed come from recent relevant journals, especially epidemiological applications in the ambient or work environment. This course is equipped with statistics and epidemiology lab activities as well as field visits.

DLI7027. Air Quality and Health 3(2-1)

This course discusses the elements that form and influence ambient air quality. Then discuss specifically air pollutants, especially those called ‘criteria pollutants’, their sources and their effects on human health. Methods of measurement, sampling, analysis and related equipment Air pollution is also discussed. Field visits will be made to air quality monitoring institutions in Palembang.

DLI7028. Macro economics 3(3-0)

This course covers and discusses the definition, position, scope, macroeconomic problems, economic growth, unemployment, inflation, national income, consumption, investment, government spending, exports and imports, balance of national income, aggregate spending, money, interest rates and national income, determining balance and changes, balance in an open economy, macroeconomic, fiscal, monetary policy, balance of payments.

DLI7029. Microeconomics 3(3-0)

This course covers and discusses definition, position, scope, economic models, optimization, consumption theory, utility, choice, demand, production theory, production function, cost function, cost minimization, nature of cost functions, short-term and long-term costs , profit function, marginal revenue,profit maximization, markets and equilibrium, competitive model, monopoly model, balance and welfare.

DLI7030. Welfare Economics 3(3-0)

This course covers and discusses definition, position, scope, household welfare, utility, rationality, demand function, Pareto principle and Pareto optimality, welfare economic theory, the first theorem, the second theorem, economic efficiency, Pareto weaknesses, principles compensation, function social welfare, market failure, externalities, the role of the public sector, the theory of second best, government intervention, public solutions to externalities, public choice, welfare measurement, cost benefit analysis, NPV, IRR.

DLI7031.  Resource Economics 3(2-1)

This course covers and discusses definition, position, scope; Basic Concepts: stock and growth, simulation and optimization, resource categorization; ecosystem functions: regulatory, habitat, production, and information functions; Ecosystem Valuation: valuation methods, CVM, hedonic approach, production function; Management of natural resources: minerals, forests, agricultural land, fisheries, etc.; Resource conservation natural; Green Economics; Sustainable development.

DLI7032. Environmental Economics 3(2-1)

This course covers and discusses definition, position, scope; Environmental Issues: quality, pollution, regulation; Market failure, public goods, and externalities; Social costs; Market modeling for the environment; Environmental goods and services: demand, willingness to pay, willingness to accept; Pollution regulations; Emission prices and costs, subsidies; Property Rights: Pollution regulations; Manage risk and uncertainty.


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