Welcome to Magister Program of Materials Science

Welcome to the Magister program of Materials Science at the Graduate School of Sriwijaya University, a cutting-edge and innovative initiative designed to cultivate tomorrow’s leaders in the field of material sciences

Head of the Program
Prof. Aldes Lesbani, Ph.D.

We warmly welcome students from a rich array of multidisciplinary majors such as Physics, Chemistry, Physics Education, Mechanical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, and even Dentistry. Our program embraces diversity in education, promoting an environment where different disciplines merge to form a cohesive learning experience.

Major Fields of Study

Our program proudly offers three principal study majors, carefully crafted to meet the demands of the ever-evolving material science landscape:

Physics Materials

Explore the fascinating world of material structure, properties, and applications at the atomic and molecular level.

Inorganic Materials

Dive into the study of inorganic substances and materials, focusing on their synthesis, characterization, and utilization in various applications.


Engage in interdisciplinary research in materials that interact with biological systems, offering vast potential for medical applications and beyond.

Homebase Lecturer and Staff

Prof. Aldes Lesbani, Ph.D.
Prof. Dr.rer.nat. Risfidian Mohadi
Dr. Fitri Suryani Arsyad
Dr. Idha Royani, S.Si., M.Si.
Elda Melwita, S.T.,MT.,Ph.D.
Barlin, S.T.,M.T.,Ph.D.


Administration Staff

Deddy Iskandar, S.H.I.

Laboratory Staff

Taufikurrakhman, S. Kom.