
Graduate Program of Universitas Sriwijaya has its own library which is located on the Palembang campus. The library building area of the Graduate Program of Universitas Sriwijaya is 750 m2. On the other hand, the main library of Universitas Sriwijaya is library which Iocated on main campus in Indralaya. All library is used for students, lectures, staffs, and all academia of Universitas Sriwijaya.

The library of Graduate Program is equipped with internet facilities for literature access with a total of 8 computers. There are 22 bookshelves for the library collection. Graduate Program library collection is in the form of books, scientific journals, theses and dissertations, magazine collections, bibliographies, and other reading sources that are useful for Graduate students.

Collection of Graduate Program library is in the form of books, scientific journals, theses and dissertations, magazine collections, bibliographies, and other reading sources that are useful for Graduate students. The book collection owned by the Graduate Program library is 9829 titles with 13,700 copies. For the journal collection, there are 1,1609 titles with 1,574 copies.

Universitas Sriwijaya Graduate Program library is managed by one library head and four staffs who support the management of the Universitas Sriwijaya Graduate library.